If you have a car and drive, its is safe to say that you most likely have experienced an automobile accident and have gotten injured. The symptoms that arise from auto accidents can be extremely painful and last for a long time. To prevent having chronic pain and making every day life difficult, we recommend Chiropractic Care.
One of the most common injuries as a result of an automobile accident is a whiplash. Other symptoms that may result from an automobile accident include back pain, shoulder pain, tingling, numbness, headaches, hip pain, foot pain and extremities ( hand, elbow, ankle, leg) pain and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustment with treatments will help restore the integrity of soft tissues and realign bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons to their natural body position. The treatments and adjustments will also reduce pain and inflammation.
If you have suffered from an automobile injury, the sooner you receive adjustments and treatments, chiropractic care can ease the pain and discomfort and speed up the time of recovery and a person will feel better and be able to continue on with a regular daily life.
If you are in pain and have suffered from an automobile accident, please call our office at 770-426-6639 for a free consultation or visit our website.